
The Casino House Edge


A casino has sophisticated surveillance systems, which let security personnel keep an eye on every corner of the gambling floor. Cameras positioned in the ceiling monitor every table, window and doorway, and can be adjusted to focus on any suspicious patron. The feeds are recorded and reviewed later if necessary. While no one watches the slot floor, computer chips within the machines determine payout amounts. Therefore, a casino’s surveillance system is essential for its overall safety.

House edge, also called house advantage, is the difference between the true odds of a game and the payout by the casino. This advantage varies for each game, but is typically expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the casino’s advantage. While this advantage can be significant, it is usually negligible if the casino offers a lucrative promotion. Nonetheless, customers can benefit from the offer of complimentary items, such as food and drinks, and other benefits.

While gambling is fun, it is also dangerous and discourages responsibility. Many people become addicted to gambling, which costs the casino a huge amount of money. Furthermore, it is estimated that five percent of all patrons of casinos are addicted, which explains why they contribute up to 25 percent of the casino’s profit. Furthermore, economic studies have demonstrated that casinos are not a good investment for a community, as they divert local spending to casinos. Additionally, the costs of treating problem gamblers and lost productivity associated with gambling addiction often offset the economic benefit of casinos.