Casino is an immersive experience that is unlike anything else. The adrenaline rush of waiting for the next spin or card is a thrill like no other. There are games to suit every skill level and budget, from the simple slots to the complex blackjack. The best part is that winning at these games is entirely up to luck.
But there’s no such thing as a free ride in a casino. Even if you’re not the biggest spender, casinos are still very profitable. Every game has a mathematical expectancy that the house will win, and it’s very rare for a casino to lose money on any one day. This is why casinos often offer big bettors inducements such as free spectacular entertainment, hotel rooms, limo service, and other luxurious perks.
Another way that casinos make their profits is by removing any indications of time from the environment. This is why you’ll often find yourself a bit lost when in a casino, even if you just need to get some air or use the bathroom. It’s all part of Friedman’s design theory, which aims to keep you lost in the game and prevent you from realizing that it’s probably time to leave.
For a long time, marketers have relied on demographics to guide their strategies for casinos. But demographics are a narrow way to understand your audience’s behavior, and they’re not as helpful as you might think. A group of women standing outside your casino may be there for business, but they could just as easily be celebrating a bachelorette party. Unless you know their behavior and pain points, you’ll never be able to market your casino to them effectively.