Poker is a card game in which players bet chips based on the chance of having a winning hand. Although it involves a large amount of luck, long-term expectations are determined by a combination of probability, psychology and game theory. It is played by two or more people and can be enjoyed both in homes, clubs and casinos. It is often considered the national card game of the United States, and its play and jargon are a part of American culture.

In most games, a player places in a small amount of money called a blind or an ante before being dealt cards. Each player then chooses whether to call, raise, or fold their hand. If a player calls, they put the rest of their money in the pot with the expectation of winning. If they raise, they try to get the other players to call them. If they fold, they forfeit their bet and take nothing from the pot.

There are several standard poker hands, ranked in order of their odds (probability). In a normal game of poker without wild cards the highest hand is five of a kind. If two or more hands have the same rank, they tie and share any winnings.

Ties are broken by the highest unmatched cards or secondary pairs (in a full house [a five-card hand made up of three of a kind and a pair]). A high card can also break ties between two pairs of the same rank.